Why Mediumship?


“The execution of mechanics does not make the medium. It only exercises the talent.”

- Brian Robertson & Simon James

             The gift of mediumship is the many facets of Creator expressing themselves in a loving way. Those who come to study mediumship do so because they are expressing that love of creator through service. Many choose to develop their abilities because mediumship is already being expressed naturally and this helps them to be in partnership with the spirit world and choose when they feel up to working. Others feel called to serve humanity, creator, and spirit world.

            Feeling called to mediumship can be different than how we choose to use this beautiful gift. If you feel mediumship is a burden to you, then your soul is not in tune with the work. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you must. Do not feel you must serve regardless of where you are emotionally, physically, or mentally. Honor where you are and be gentle to the medium. Which also means holding space for yourself.

Mediumship is a tool of spiritual development. It does not mean that you have arrived and can now stop working on yourself. On the contrary, it is a jumping off point to have spirit, colleagues, and clients as teachers. Every message you give will help you develop your empathy, compassion, and love of the spirit world/humanity. Your job is to hold space for both the client and the spirits so they may continue their relationships, learn, grow, and heal. The spirit world always wants to be heard. They want to help us learn from the benefit of their wisdom as well as their mistakes. By holding space and reserving judgement you make it easier for them to help all of us raise our collective vibration and consciousness.


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