Should I Book a Mediumship Session?

I thought to change it up a little I would write up a bit of an FAQ listicle.  These are all the things I get questions about regarding mediumship sessions and why people are nervous or feel called to book an appointment. I’ve broken it down into two categories expectations and fears. If you have questions about any of these please feel free to email or call. 


Some of the reasons people tell me they have made a mediumship appointment:

>> They are missing specific or non-specific loved ones in spirit.

  • That’s a very natural feeling for those of us who have lost a loved one. Of course, we never really heal grief just learn to live with it in a way that is less overwhelming. Mediumship should not be used as a replacement for grief therapy.

>> There is more than the average amount of spirit contact around them recently or they have been seeing more symbolism for a certain loved one and wonder if they are reaching out for a reason.

  • That can absolutely happen that your spirit people are more active around you due to an anniversary, birthday, special upcoming life event, or astrological conditions. If you feel you need a translator/medium to get to the bottom of it feel free to schedule an appointment.  

>> You have a current or upcoming life event, and you would like the perspective of a loved one in spirit. 

  • This one is common particularly when there is a big change in your life circumstance. That said, yes, our loved ones in spirit may be able to help give context to the situation. 

>> You are having a life crisis and need an immediate session.

  • Probably not the best idea. If your energy is frazzled or in deep grief it might make it harder for you to hear what the medium is saying in a clear way. Mediums cannot solve all your problems, although I would love to have the ability, and they can’t always tell you exactly what you want to hear. 


Some of the reasons people tell me they are afraid to make a mediumship appointment: 

>> Their religion doesn’t believe in it. 

  • To that I say, if there is no mystical tradition within your religion at all, then it is up to you to decide if you feel comfortable pursuing a session. Ex: Dream Interpretation, or Someone like God, a saint, or loved ones speaking to people in the living, feeling divine inspiration. 

>> I’m afraid you will tell me I’m cursed. 

  • I’m a Spiritualist and we don’t believe in curses because we believe we are conscious co-creators of our reality. To be cursed means someone other than you has more power over our lives than you do. What would be the point of that when we are given free will?

>> I’m afraid you will talk about me or unearth a family secret. 

  • Your information is not for or about me. I would never talk about a client’s information because I consider the work sacred and believe in the expectation of privacy. Also, it’s rare I remember anything that was said or takes place in a session.  

>> I’m afraid you will forecast my or someone I love’s death.

  • I am a firm believer that a person’s time of death is completely between the Creator and each person’s soul. Even if you asked me I couldn’t forecast someone’s demise because it’s wildly unethical, never leads to any good, and is unknowable as I’m not God.

Ready to book a session for yourself?

Mariah Magazine

Mariah is an award-winning Organic SEO Consultant & Online Business Educator for entrepreneurs, and host of a top 10% podcast; Curiously Guided. She supports business owners & founders in diversifying their online digital marketing strategies so they can grow their brands in a way that *actually* feels GOOD for them, and aligns with their strengths. Mariah’s a firm believer that showing up on Google and organically marketing your business doesn’t have to be as difficult & overwhelming as everyone makes it. With 8+ years of experience as an entrepreneur in the online marketing space, she’s helped over 150+ clients get their websites found on Google by implementing a strategy that feels both doable AND aligned.

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