Reverend Celeste Elliott | Registered Spiritual Medium
“We are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience”
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Hi, I’m Celeste!
Spiritualist Minister | Registered Lily Dale Medium | Educator
Welcome to my little corner to the web.
I’ve been a Lily Dale Registered Medium, since 2011.
I’ve always felt called to a life of joyful service. Whether that is through my ministry, mediumship, lectures, my blog talk show, teaching, or spiritual healing, my work is my passion.
I hope to help you find solace, inspiration, spiritual knowledge, and support to help you on your spiritual journey. I want to see you stand in your power.
Learn More About Mediumship Readings
Allow me to help you connect to your loved ones in spirit including family members, friends, animals, and guides.
Take a Class or Come Join Us At An Event
Learn Spiritual Development in a gentle environment in-person or online. I offer a variety of classes & options all year long.
View Upcoming Ministry Services & Details
Join in on any public worship service, lecture, or event. I work with and serve many organizations, both in-person and online.
Heartfelt thanks to my clients for their support and words of encouragement…
”Celeste has been the only reader that has been able to deliver accurate spiritual readings to me. Her spiritual assistance and guidance have been heartfelt through times of difficulty; putting me at ease.”
— Lily
“Thank you again for your time. I greatly appreciate it.! You have given me some hope that my situation may actually improve. Take care, and Thank you again!”
— Molly
“I recommend her to anyone…she was right on with everything, and I brought two family members with me, and she was great with them too… said nothing generic, pin-pointed details and threw in names too. Best Ever.”